Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tips on writing a remarkable CV

Your Curriculum Vitae (cv) is the most important instrument that may help you in landing a good job.When you apply for a job,your cv is the first document that the prospective employer usually comes across.An important point to consider in this regards is that a good and appropriately written CV is not a guarantee for you to get the job,however, a good cv may guarantee you in getting the interview call for the job you have applied for. Your cv may play a key role in making a good or bad impression on the prospective employer.The role and significance of a cv in marketing your skills for landing a good job can never be ignored.In this competitive job market only a precisely and carefully written CV can make you stand out from other candidates to grab the attention of the prospective employer so that you may be called for the interview.So if you really want to market your skills for landing a good job then you should pay special attention in writing your cv and you should leave no stone unturned in writing a remarkable and eye-catching resume.
                                             (Image source : entreprenegro)

Here are a few tips that may be helpful to you in writing a remarkable cv.
1. Avoid Unnecessary Details : The information written in your cv should be precise and to-the-point.Avoid unnecessary details,the employers usually do not have time to go through unnecessary details. On-line sources claim that on the average employers usually spend 10-15 seconds in going through each of the resumes they receive from job applicants.Your cv should not be your autobiography,it should rather be a precise and to-the-point description of your qualifications,achievements and professional career.
2. Avoid Grammatical and Spelling Mistakes : Make sure your cv is free of grammatical and spelling mistakes.A cv full of grammatical and spelling mistakes leaves a very bad impression about the job applicant on the prospective employer.Read your cv again and again until you are sure that your cv is free of grammatical and spelling mistakes.You may seek the help of your close friends and family members who have a good command of the English or   any other language in which you opt to write your cv.Since English is an international language and one of the most prolific languages around the world,so in my view,cv should preferably be written in English.
3. Do not exaggerate : You should not exaggerate about your academic and professional achievements and awards.You should be honest and fair in presenting facts and figures about your qualifications and professional career.However,to make your cv more eye-catching you should highlight your achievements and awards by placing them at the right place in your CV, preferably at the beginning and end of your resume.You should not include the weak points of your career in your cv,you may discuss weak aspects of your career at the interview stage if questions arise in the interview regarding weak aspects of your career.you should not be afraid of this,no on is perfect.Your professional and academic achievements may compensate for the weaknesses in your career profile and you may prove this at the interview stage.
4. Do give too much personal details : You should not write too much personal details about yourself like your date of birth,marital status,number of dependent,your hobbies and leisure activities etc.,however,you should clearly mention your contact details.You should put more emphasis on your  academic and professional skills and achievements to make your cv look more professional and to-the-point.
5. Do not mention salary Details : There is no need to mention about your current salary and   expected salary. You may discuss salary related matters at interview stage.CV is not meant for discussing this type of information.The sole purpose of cv is to market your skills and get you  an interview call for the job you have applied for.
6. Do not mention the reason for leaving your current job : There is no need to mention the reason for leaving your current job.You may discuss such matters at interview stage if question arises otherwise there is no need to discuss this matter even during interview.
7. cv should be logically laid out : Make sure your cv is properly laid out in a logical order and arranged into distinct sections,like contact details,education qualifications,job experience and skills etc., with each section having a relevant and appropriate title.Arranging your cv into logical sections makes it easy for the prospective employer to skim through it and your cv does not  look cramped either.
8. Get cv writing Services : Last but not the least,it may also be quite helpful to you in landing a good job if you avail yourself of some professional resume writing services and resume writing softwares that are available on-line.The professional resume writers may be quite helpful to you in preparing an eye-catching professional resume for your,which may greatly increase your chances of getting new and better job opportunities. 

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