Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pauline Potter - The World's Heaviest Living Woman

Pauline Potter from Sacramento, California,USA,who tips the scale at 700lbs has officially entered the Guinness Book of Records as the World’s Heaviest Living Woman 2012.She is 47 years and she is mum of one son.But despite having the title of "World's Heaviest Living Woman",she does not feel satisfied with her life and wants to loose weight.One cannot definitely envy such a title.
Mrs Potter had boasted that men think that she is a "Sex Goddess" and she has "fantastic sex every day" but this is not the reality,the massive weight gained by her body has made her life quite difficult .She has to struggle with every day life as she cannot easily fit in the car or cannot turn over in the bed.She feels difficulty even in getting up and walking.Now she believes that her obsession with gaining weight has spoiled her life and that's why she struggling to lose her weight by being on diet.  
(Image via Mirror)

She said,"I used to love being big,but it went too far.It's too difficult for me to even get up now.Someone has to pull my head while I rock myself into a standing position."She also added,"I have a walk-in bath and I sit on a stool with flexible shower head on a lead.There's a lot of work involved.With lots of rolls of flesh you can get infection in the folds"
"To prevent this,I wash every day,dry myself thoroughly and then rub corn starch into the folds around my stomach and behind my knees",said Mrs. Potter.She added,"My son has to help me when there are areas I can't scratch."

Things,like walking,driving,dressing and dancing etc.,that other physically normal  people can easily do in their daily life are incredibly difficult for her.She cannot drive her car.She even have difficulty in dressing herself. Because of her massive weight,she cannot go dancing,even walking to the mail box to get her mails seems to be an insurmountable barrier to her.She can move only on her electric chair with her son Dylon (19),who takes care of her almost round the clock.
According to Mirror,Pauline is just on of the type of a group of fanatical women called Super size Big Beautiful Women (SBBW) who think that the bigger you are,the more beautiful you become.Eating has been a lifelong obsession with Pauline,which she really wants to get rid of as it as ruined her life.

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