Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hand Analysis

Your hands are a refeclection of your personality and your mentality.Shape of your hands,texture and color of skin of your hands,shape and width of your palm,hair on your hands,length and shape of fingers of your hands,shape and color of your nails,mounds and lines of your hand,flexibility of your hand and flexibility and shape of your thumb refelect a lot of things about your personality,and personal and professional life.Hand analaysts can unravel the personality of a person by studying these  salient features of his hand.Hand Analysis is an art ,although difficult to master,can help you a lot in understanding your ownself and your friends.This art can help you understand the people around you to judge them while dealing with them.
In hand analysis,thumb and index finger are very significant in understanding the charcter and personality of a person.Thunmb is so important in hand analysis that a skilled hand analyst can completley decipher the personality of a person by studying and analysing the shape,length and flexibilitty of thumb, and by obseving the length of the thumb segments and lines on them.
Both right and left hands of a person portray different aspects of the life and personality of a person.Left hand of a person refelcts his personal and private life, while right hand of a person reflects his public and professional life.To fully undestand the personality of a person and discover his strengths and weaknesses you should study both hands of that person in detail.A skilled hand analyst can read the personality of  a person like an open book.This is an art that requires a lot of practice and study to accurately decipher the personality of a person.

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