Thursday, March 12, 2015

Some Inspirational Quotes - 9

Here are some of the quotes that sound interesting to me:
  1. You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.
  2. You are what you do,not what you say you will do.
  3. The less you respond to negative people,the more peaceful your life will become.
  4. Some people create their own storms then get upset when it rains.
  5. The worst distance between two people is misunderstanding.
  6. Speak your mind even if your voice shakes.
  7. Don't hate what you don't understand.
  8. Don't die before you are dead.
  9. Worrying is literally betting against yourself.
  10. Over-thinking kills your happiness.
  11. Your attitude determines your direction.
  12. You think big you get big.
  13. Your best teacher is your last mistake.
  14. Honesty is a very expensive gift,don't expect it from cheap people.
  15. Old days won't open new doors.
P.S. These quotes have been collected at random from web and even some quotes do not have any mention of source.

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